- Your Website Doesn’t work on Mobile Phones
If your website doesn’t work on a mobile phone, isn’t optimised for a mobile phone or doesn’t look good on a mobile phone, this spells trouble! In 2018, 52% of worldwide internet traffic was generated through mobiles. This is enormous. What would this mean for you? Well, you could potentially be losing half of any audience that is trying to find your product or service. Therefore, if your website doesn’t work for mobile, it really is time to have a look at your website!
- Your website is slow to load
How many times have you clicked or tapped onto a website and it has been slow to load? What did you do? Well, most people leave the site and find an alternative. Potential customers want to find information, products and services fast. If this isn’t provided by a site, they will grow impatient and soon find a slick and fast website. This can be caused by anything from slow hosting to too many advertisements on your site. If your website isn’t quite as fast as your competitor’s, then give the customers what they want and speed your site up.
- Your website uses Flash
Flash can be a good way to add vast amounts of interactivity to your website. You wouldn’t have looked past flash until around 2010, when more options and ways of including videos became available. Now, flash is dead. There is a multitude of issues with it, from security concerns, to the fact it doesn’t work on Apple devices (a large proportion of users). Furthermore, it drains battery and slows down the loading of your page, linking to the above point.
- Extra Unnecessary Content
Is your site cluttered with outdated and un-needed information? Well, this is an easy fix which can make your site much more slick and attractive to your audience. An untidy website can leave a bad impression on customers and its first impressions that count remember. Delete any un-needed and redundant content from your site, however don’t delete older blog posts. These are an important sign of your website’s history and could help your Google ranking.
- Your website has an old, flat or overly flashy design.
It’s not only what is going on behind your website that is crucial. The aesthetics of your website are intrinsic to gaining sales etc. Web design has evolved to a much more contemporary and slick design, relying on understated pictures and colours. So, even if your refresh is a ‘lick of paint’ it can still change your website very positively and give you an edge on competitors or encourage sales.